Client Account Activities¶
Client can Show
- Payment Pending
- Open Ticket
- Completed Ticket
- Open Orders
- Complete Orders
- Order Summery
- Ticket Summery
- In this panel client can see all check out or plan purchase history.
- You can see all the information of the order in four steps, and if you click on their "action 3 dot" View Details you can see them
Or you can see all that information in these steps:
All Orders history
- All Orders Working history
- All Orders Completed history
- All Orders Cancelled history
- Clients can view only assigned task views from this panel
- Client just view details and chat team member in this panel.
Client can see all create ticket information and client create a ticket.
- In this panel client can see all tickets history.
- You can see all the information of the tickets in six steps, and if you click on their "action 3 dot", edit , delete or ticket details you can see them
Or you can see all that information in these steps:
All Tickets history
- Open Tickets history
- Processing Tickets history
- Resolved Tickets history
- Closed Tickets history
- Trashed Tickets history
Tickets Details button click¶
- You can see all the ticket information on this details page
- Client can change ticket status, replay tickets from this panel.
- The client will be able to show the list of how many people are assigned to this ticket.
Client can see all admin or team-member invoice information.
- In this panel client can see all invoice history.
- You can see all the information of the invoices in four steps, and if you click on their "action 3 dot", download,pay or invoice details you can see them
Or you can see all that information in these steps:
- Paid
- Pending
- Cancelled
View Details
Here he can see the details of all the invoices and can download them.
Invoice Pay
He can also pay pending invoices from this place.
- The client can see the list of all the services created by the admin in this panel.
- And if you click on "view details" you will get all the information of the service can pay and purchase from there.
- Here this payment
Basic Info¶
- Client can change image, name, email, designation from this panel.
Change Password¶
- Client can change password from this panel